Dec 6-10 was a big week for us. I went to one of our local schools and spoke to the students there. TK Gorman is a Catholic school with a combined middle and high school campus of approximately 300 students. I showed a short video that told the story of the water crisis in Africa. Then, I gave a speech to the students. (I was nervous, but at least I didn't throw up this time! haha) I told them about Jemal-the Ethiopian child we have sponsored for the past 10 years. I spoke about our previous trips to Ethiopia, and how it has impacted our lives. I told them some basic water facts: that 5,000 children die each day from drinking dirty, unsafe water. Yes.... 5,000, every day. The women have to haul dirty water several miles each day-knowing that this same water could very likely kill their children. That fact alone just breaks my heart. Can any of you imagine the anquish of those mothers? But they have no choice. That dirty water is all that they have.
So I challenged the students at Gorman to be a hero-to save a life! Through an organization called: Project H20, the kids decided to only drink water for one week. Then, instead of sodas and sports drinks or Starbucks, they drank water only and gave the money they would have spent on those things to a water- based charity named Living Water International.
(We hope to one day become affiliated with LWI-a wonderful organization based out of Houston, TX.)
Anyway- the students did great!! With the help of two student leaders, Sarah and Emily, we made posters, put up flyers, made morning announcements, etc..They had a contest between the middle school and high school to see who could raise the most money.
They made two posters with a thermometer on each showing which campus was ahead on money giving. It was a real close contest, but the High school campus pulled it out at the end and won!
Are you ready for this???? (drum roll please.....) They raised $2000.00 in 5 days!!! Isn't that incredible? We are so proud of those kids! And you know what, if they can make that sacrifice of only drinking water for one week-how about you? Why don't YOU be a hero? You can save a life-by giving your money, that will be added to someone else's money, that will be added to someone else's....and then a well can be dug in a village and lives can be saved. Think about it.
A small short term 'sacrifice' that will have long-lasting impact for good.
If you are interested in doing something like what the TKGorman students of Tyler Texas did, go to the H20 Challenge website: www.theh2oproject.org for more information.
Of course, we here at Project Ethiopia also could use your support. Perhaps you could have your own water challenge at your church, your office, neighborhood or organization-so please make note of the address below where all contributions can be sent. The church will wire the money to us in Ethiopia, and you will receive a year end gift tax statement in the mail from them.
Emerald Bay Community Church 160 LaSalle Dr. Bullard, TX 75757