What is Project Ethiopia?

Sunday, December 22, 2013

video of "The Great Adventure"

Living in Ethiopia has many challenges and struggles. It's not all happy success stories. Sometimes, we just want to close our doors and pull the curtains over the windows and hide from the constant stream of people coming to our house with their problems. But we love this life. We wouldn't change anything
(well....maybe the roads and lack of BlueBell ice cream!!)
We love this song by Steven Curtis Chapman, "The Great Adventure" and thought that it really sums up what this life is all about. Not just the life of a missionary living in Africa, but the life of any believer who truly wants to to be obedient to God. 
You know, whatever it is that God has called you to do-He has already gone before you and prepared the way--you don't have to be scared. He has already set the people in place, the actions that need to be taken, the purpose for your very life!!
So come on- follow our Leader into the glorious unknown- it's a life like no other- it really is a great adventure!

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